
Holiday Wrap Up

Christmas was good. Hubby, Dad, and I went over to the in-laws for some Christmas breakfast and present opening. Our 10 year old nephew has never gotten exceptionally excited when he opens presents, and this year was no exception. I think dad was a little shocked by that. We could all tell that our darling nephew did indeed enjoy his presents, though.

I got a stocking full of Godiva goodies, a million gift certificates, a blue iPod!, accessories for said iPod, and lots of other small fun stuff. The best part was watching Hubby and Dad open the presents I bought for them. I try to put a lot of thought into thegifts I buy so I'm always terribly excited to see people open their gifts.

We spent most of the afternoon at the in-laws, but then headed back to the Jane & Hubby house. I commenced the preparation of the traditional Christmas Enchiladas. They were delicious as always. We watched the best of Alec Balwin on SNL as we ate, and enjoyed each others' company and some hearty laughs.

This Christmas was pretty perfect for the Christmas that it was. I wasn't expecting anything great with most of my family spread out across the country. I enjoyed the strange, but happy time we had.

Now I'm off the brave the post-holiday shopping crowd and spend all those gift certificates. Hubby is urging me to buy some new clothes. For some reason he thinks there is something wrong with wearing clothes that have been saftey-pinned back together (on the inside). I guess he's right. I'm just hoping most people have gone to work by now, and I can enjoy a mall filled only with teenagers and teachers who are out of school, and old people. We'll see!


The Smells of the Season

One of my faorite things about the holiday season is that I finally have time to bake all of the goodies I want, and I actually have tons of people who will eat them. Yesterday I cooked up 2 giant batches of my grandma's famous toffee. She passed away several years ago, and for the longest we didn't have our annual batch of toffee. Lukily a few years ago my aunt's mother remembered that Grandma had given her the recipe, so holiday order has been restored.

This morning I got up and baked 4 dozen cookies to go along with the toffee, and I'm about to make a lovely batch of spinach & artichoke dip. I can't wait to serve it up to everyone at my in-laws' house tonight. Yipee!


Magnetic Haikus

I've been out of town visiting my sis, and celebrating my birthday. Both were great. As an x-mas present from my buddy Penny I got a magnetic haiku kit. This could not be more appropriate. I've made a few and thought I'd share.


Haiku Time 2!

I've been grading haikus for hours, and have finally been pushed to the edge of insanity. Here is my haiku for today. Enjoy!

Don’t mess with Mrs.
Jane Doe. She’s kind of crazy.
Unstable teacher.


Haiku Time

The clouds float by me.
They speak to me of lost dreams.
Can I make them stay?


Beautiful Models

I snapped at Hubby tonight. I probably shouldn't have but I did. I probably shouldn't have watched the end of the victorious Secret fashion show with him either, but I did. (Which is what spurred me to snap at him.)

He probably shouldn't have come from work at 9:30 PM, but he did. In addition to his unreasonably late night, we watched the above mentioned fashion show. As we were watching he pointed out his favorite model and said she had a beautiful face. The frustration set it when I heard that because I can't remember the last time he used to word beautiful to describe me, but he can use it to describe a super model of course.

He's been working out, and I've been gaining weight. I worked out today and all he said was, "good." That all in conjunction tonight hasn't made me feel very good about myself. And so I snapped when he tried to undo my bra in the middle of the kitchen, when he tried to tickle my crotch (don't ask, it sooo annoying), when he tried to tickle my knee. Yes all of these things are insanely annoying, and honestly I didn't want him to touch me. Bleh!