
Rosh Hashanah

A time to reflect on the past year. A time to make plans to be a better person. A time to improve. My time to forgive. I thought a lot in the past few weeks about my anger and resentment towards Ex Hubby. I thought about what it did to or for me. It made me an uglier person, and it affected me, not him at all. Holding onto these feelings was putting nothing but negative energy in the world, and so I let it go. Just in time for Rosh Hashanah I made the vow to breathe that anger out, and I did.

I decided to forgive him for his mistake. He is human. We are all weak, we all falter. I cannot make him repent for his weakness, but I can repent for my own. I took a deep breath and wished him true happiness from somewhere deep within my heart, and I have to say it felt marvelous. I feel unburdened. I feel love.