

I promised myself I would work out today. To give it weight last night as we were lying in bed about to sleep, I told J I was going to work out today. It is now time to work out and I don't waaaaaana! The events of the day (teaching 150 teenagers) have drained me of all useful energy. Alas, I will get my booty off the couch and do some crunches, push ups, and reverse hypers. I just keep telling myself you'll feel better once it's over. My inner self better be right or I'm kicking that bitch's ass!



The irrational irritation is back in full force. I would like it to go away now. I would also like some blueberry pancakes, a white mocha, and a bank account balance that is not overdrawn.


Using my Binoculars

My job search continues, and continues not to be fruitful. I keep hoping that I'll get called for an interview soon. I know I'm a bit overqualified for a job as an administrative assistant, but I need something to pay the bills while I study for the GRE and get all my ducks in a row for grad school. I want something easy where I can make a decent salary, but still leave work in the office when I go home. Is that too much to ask?

I keep reminding myself that something will happen when it is meant to happen. I am doing my part by actively looking and applying for jobs, so in time the universe will take care of me and provide me with the job that is right for me. I used to think having connections was all I needed to get a job, now I'm not so sure.

In other news, spring break is almost over. I didn't get to do everything I wanted but it has still been good. I have a lot of grading left and I know I'm not going to get to finish the book I started, but that's life. Things with J are wonderful as always. In fact, we've got a lunch date in a half hour which I'm about to get in my car and head to.


Happy Spring!

I love days with sunshine, a cool breeze, and a long drive. It also helps that I don't have to go to work until Monday. Spring really is the best time of the year.


Picture Perfect

Last week was bad. J's dad came for a visit and all I have to say right now is WOW! I will post more about that later. Friday the world decided to renew by covering the town in a gorgeous blanket of white. 7 inches of snow fell in all. It was beautiful to watch, but melted away quickly yesterday afternoon. J and I decided to go for a walk to the river and watch the sunset, which topped a wonderful day off quite nicely. I love where I live.