

Ugly Places

There are ugly places inside of me.
Places where I keep all of my darkness.
Places where I go and torture myself
as I relive the pain
that I can’t let go of.

It is 20 years old, but it stays there
the hurt from the times
you called me stupid over, and over.
The times you wouldn’t let me
play with you.
The times you excluded me.
The times you made me cry alone.

It is 16 years old, but it stays there,
the sadness from when you,
my grade school crush, betrayed me.
When you promised not to tell
but you did,
and everyone knew I cheated.
The time you locked me in the trashcan
on “student of the week” pizza party day
after pretending you were my friend.

It is 13 years old, but it stays there
The anger over the time I
wrote you a note
that said I thought you were cute
and you laughed, and showed it to your friends.
Then you all took it to the bathroom,
you dropped it in the toilet,
you pissed on it, then ran to the playground
to tell everyone all about it.

It is 12 years old, but it stays there
the feeling of worthlessness when you,
my best friend, told me not to be so weird.
When you told me to stop being me.
When you told me I talked too much.
When you told me no one really liked me,
they only tolerated me since I was your friend.

It is 10 years old, but it stays there
the embarrassment from the time you,
my friends, teased me about the hair on my legs,
and the fact that I was the only girl in 7th grade
without her period or breasts.
When I hid beneath my desk in science class
and cried while you all laughed.

It is 7 years old, but it stays there
the feeling of betrayal when you,
my father admitted
that I “wasn’t exactly the belle of the ball”
when I was younger.
I thought daddies were always
supposed to think they’re little girls
are beautiful.

It is only 5 years old, and it stays there
the feelings of self-doubt
that stem from my need to be hospitalized
the time I went crazy, and broke down

It is so fresh, the pain, the guilt,
the horrible insecurity
I felt as I slept with every boy who wanted me
just to try to make it go away;
all the other pain that has stayed with me.

It is still there;
The hurt, the sadness, the anger,
the worthlessness, the embarrassment,
the betrayal, the self-doubt, the pain,
the guilt, and the horrible insecurity.

I visit it sometimes,
and it makes me want to scream.
I can’t let it go,
I can’t get rid of it,
it seeps into my life,
and makes me cry.

I’m letting it ruin my life.


Am I Perfect Yet?

I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I am a complete and total perfectionist. It seems that if I do anything (except housework) I have to do it to 100%+ of my ability. I know this isn't a bad thing, but the fact that I'm a procrastinating perfectionist makes for some very interesting situations. Take my big graduation project for example. I have to turn in a big questionnaire/essay about how I think I've grown professionally over the last semester, and explain how all of the work I've done this semester makes me a great teacher. There is a template for this project and I just have to fill in the blanks with about a paragraph or two of writing. These are the facts:
  • I recently found out that my professor will thumb through it just to see if I did it and give me an A.
  • My good friend did hers in a day and it is 5 pages long.
  • I still cannot, for the life of me, do this half-assed.
  • I know mine will be close to the 20 page maximum.
  • I know it will take me at least a weekend, but I just can't make myself do it now.

Why can't I just be a normal college student???? Why can't I ever do anything half-assed???? Why can't I just sit down in the next few hours and do it???? I guess because I have standards (very high ones) that just won't let me. If I've made it this far doing things just how they should be, there's no reason to slack off now. It'll be over in 2 weeks and then I won't have to worry about being perfect for another 2 months.

....Except for all those self-improvement plans I have for the summer....


You know you're life's busy when...

you have to take a nap after work so that you can have sex before you fall asleep at 9:30. Yeah, I guess it's nap time.


Why don't I feel beautiful??

Why can't I be cuter, and sexier, and more fun? That's all I want. Sometimes I look at all these cute, faux tanned, makeup wearing, long hair wearing girls and I just want to be one of them. They're so confident, and so cute, and they wear these adorable, stylish clothes that don't make them look 30. I want to be that. Ugh!!! When we went shopping the other day my mom, yeah that's right folks, my mom!!! told me I dress too old for my age. She said she'd love to see me dress cuter and show off my body since eventually I'll get older and won't have it anymore. I just don't know what to do anymore. My therapist was no help. Maybe I need to start reading my Sark books again, I remember them helping me about 5 years ago. I just miss feeling good about myself and having confidence. I know one thing is for sure, I'm going to let my hair grow back out. It is such a pain in the ass to not be able to just get up and go. I have to wash and do my hair before I leave the house, because if I don't I have a greasy mohawk. I just want to feel happy and good, is that so much to ask??

It's kind of insane when I think about it how I really shouldn't be unhappy with myself. Where did I learn to hate my looks and think I'm not good enough? I'm 23 years old and I think like this. Imagine what millions of teenage girls are feeling. I'm sick of it and I wish there was a way to make it go away for everyone! I guess this is a start

*Remember rant about hypocritical friend (criminals)


Well Taken Care Of

I had a very frustrating day at work today, which was a bummer to say the least. There came a point in the day where I had to fight with every fiber in my body not to scream at a bunch of people to shut the hell up. I've spent every weekday for the past few months with my clinical instructor and she's about to get on my last damn nerve.

I feel like I'm being taken advantage of, and that doesn't really fly with me. The woman has the balls to complain to me about how exhausted she is after I've taught her classes for her for the past 2 months. I have 4 major projects due in the next 3 weeks, plus 200 student papers to read and grade. When I asked if she might help me grade, she acted like I was asking her to lick a trash can. She had the audacity to tell me, "this is what it will be like when you start teaching, get used to it." I kindly reminded her that when I'm teaching I won't have 4 big projects that are the culmination of my college career due when I'm teaching. To that she replied, "Well, I might be able to grade one class." I wanted to bitch slap her. I really am almost to the end of my rope. I decided I'll try my best to get it all done, but whatever is left at the end of the semester is her problem. I love the kids but at this point graduating is more important to me than grading their papers. Ugh! I just had to let that out.

There is good news, however; I won't be going back tomorrow. I'm driving Hubby to a doctor an hour and a half away. My mamacita let me borrow her laptop so I'll be working on my project that is due Thursday and grading papers in the waiting room. I also found out some really great things from my parents today.

Now, I try not to be materialistic, but sometimes I just can't help myself. I like nice things, and I like having money. My dad told me today that he and my mom are planning on giving me a sizeable monetary graduation gift, he told me to think in the thousands and to stop worrying about having plenty of money to put down on a car. I am so stoked! They also told me that they'd pay for the catering for my graduation shindig. I decided I wanted Moe's at the party and was planning to pay for it myself. When I told them that they didn't need to buy B-B-Q stuff they then insisted on paying for the catering, since they had planned on paying if we went out to dinner or did the B-B-Q thing. I think I may take a small chunk of my gift and buy myself a super luxurious day at the spa, or a nice new outfit where I don't have to look at price tags. I know it might seem silly to some, but to feel totally spoiled for a day can be nice every once in a while.


I'm so Proud

Last night was the prom, and it was great! My clinical instructor and I were the people in charge, and it was a very long day. We were at the hotel with the prom committee at 8 AM, we decorated and it turned out just gorgeous! I got home at 1:30 and started reading some poetry so that I could write my 3 pages paper. I wrote the paper, then got in the shower, got ready and headed back up to the hotel. I didn't get home until Midnight. I was so exhausted, but I feel great this morning because I slept in until 10.

I realized something last night though that was so great; even though sometimes the kids irritate the hell out of me, I just adore them! I felt this huge almost maternal pride when they came to the door to check in. They all looked so great, and every time I saw one of my students my heart would just swell with pride. I have 3 weeks left of working with these kids and I know I'm going to miss each and every one of them when I leave, even my troublemakers. After being with them for four months as a student teacher I've realized that I really am their teacher, and they really are my kids. It's amazing how attached you get.


Selfish Reasons

why I'm really ready for Hubby to get better. I'm not allowed to be mad at him or confront him about anything while he's feeling bad, or I'll make him sick. He's apparently well enough though to go on myspace, find old female friends and tell them that they're hotties and knock-outs. Of course he'd never dream of adding his wife as his friend though. Total Bullshit!



There is good news: Hubby wasn't admitted to the hospital today. They still don't know what exactly is wrong with him. Tomorrow he has to go get tested to make sure he didn't have any retinal damage. He should get the results of his blood work tomorrow too. There's not much they can do until his blood pressure evens out, right now it's still really high. He also had some preliminary tests run for Long QT Syndrome, which runs in his family. The preliminary tests indicate that he probably has it. He'll go to an Electrophysiologist later to check it out once his BP is steady. So Hubby has to take the week off of work, relax, and alter his diet. The laundry list of things his doctor told him: no smoking, no drinking, no red meat, and moderate exercise. We'll see how well that goes. He's been really irritable, which I think has to do with the no smoking part. The smoking however, surely has a lot to do with the high BP.

While I'm upset that this is happening, I'm a little glad too. He wasn't going to get checked for QT Syndrome, and the life expectancy for someone who has it and leaves it untreated is around 30 years. Even though this is scary and hard to deal with I'm so happy it is happening now, and giving him the chance to make healthy life choices so we can spend a long lifetime together. It's a lot to deal with, and I'm sure it's even harder for him, but I guess this is just one of the many things we'll go through in our marriage. I'm just so happy that he's here and hopefully going to get better.

Photo copyright 2005 J. Herndon Photography


So it seems that sometimes the good has to be offset with bad. That happened this weekend. Hubby had a stressful incident at work on Friday where he experienced symptoms that my dad (who works in the medical field *cardiology*) found odd. His head hurt and got hot in a certain spot, he got dizzy, his vision went blurry, and he became confused. All weekend his head has continued to hurt and his eyes are still kind of messed up. On top of all that his blood pressure has stayed pretty high all weekend, reaching a peak at 165/100. Not very good for a 27 year old. So, today he's going to the doctor who will more that likely send him to the hospital for some tests.

We've decided that I'll stay at work until 3 unless he calls and says he needs me because he can't drive home or they're admitting him, or he just really needs me there. This is kind of scary and something I hoped we wouldn't have to deal with until we were older. I really don't feel like going to work. I want to go be with my Hubby all day and make sure he's OK. But we're hoping that they'll just run some tests and put him on medicine and send him on his way. That's what we're hoping for, and I think that is what will happen more than likely. Send good vibes to us please.


When it rains...

it pours! Good news just keeps coming my way. Yesterday I calculated it all up and figured out that I will be graduating Cum Laude. Today I got a phone call to congratulate me on being named the most outstanding Secondary Education major at the satellite campus of my university. The faculty nominated me for it and I was chosen as the recipient. There's going to be a graduation celebration next week and they'll have a little ceremony where they present the award to me. I'm so excited and honored that they chose me! Hubby and my parents have made sure to get off work early that night so they can be there. Hooray!!! I feel really special right now.

Interesting Day

I am so bored! The kids got let out of school ealry today because of the threat of tornados so I got home around 1 PM. Now I'm just sitting here waiting, and watching the clock. It seems that when I want time to go by quickly it takes forever. I just want Hubby to come home so we can finally hnag out after a week apart. I think maybe I'll run out and buy myself a late lunch and get an oil change just to get out for a minute. Maybe I'll go buy the shutters I've been wanting to put on the front window. In fact, I think I'll definitely go get that oil change and look into the shutters, we'll see about the food since it's getting close to dinner time. I'm off!



Hubby comes home tonight at 11 PM. I swear time is moving super slow on purpose. Seriously, I never thought it was possible to miss someone so much. I really love this man.


1 Reason Why...

I end up irritated by the fact that I go to a university overrun by trust-fund babies: Some students don't take certain classes seriously.

I am taking an online poetry workshop this semester because I couldn't get to campus to take one. I've been wanting to take a workshop like this since I got to college, and now in the final semester of my senior year I'm finally here. But you know what I found instead of a bunch of poets wanting to share their work and hone their craft? I found a bunch of spoiled kids looking for an easy "A" and it pisses me off. These people have no balls. We're supposed to respond to each other's poem postings in a forum, but all I and everyone else ever gets is, "Ohhh this poem was really great! I liked it. Good job!" Every responder, every poem, same response, or at least a variation on that same response. What.The.Fuck?????? Is it that hard to really give a poem some thought? Is it that hard to pay the courtesy of actually giving constructive criticism? The only real feedback I ever get is from the professor. I'm glad for his help, but I'd love to have more than one opinion that I thought someone even put a little thought into.

I'd love to put an anonymous posting on the board telling all these kids who are just looking for that last elective to go screw themselves, or grow some cajones, or at least pay these people and the creative efforts they've put forth some respect. But then I have to think, if these people are responding so lackadaisical, how much effort are they really putting forth in their writing, and do they even care that I have a real opinion? They probably get pissed off every time they see that I have something of substance to say about their poetry instead of "Ohhh, that was good!" Ugh!!! I just get so frustrated. I want to write better poetry. I can't ever get something published if I can't make my work better.

OK, I just had to vent. Done!


Ode to my Husband
Among other things, you are my
beautiful distraction.
When you’re away
I get so much done,
but I am lonely,
and bored.

You keep the pressures
of reality at bay.
You give me moments of laughter
instead of dirty laundry
and homework.

I’ve finally figured out why our house
is always a mess:
We’re having too much fun
together to worry about dishes
until there are no clean ones left.


Strange Days

I'm not sure what I can say here and what I can't, but I'll say that the past 4 days have been kind of intense. I was concerned about a student and brought it to the attention of a counselor. I was told by a few people that I was wrong and to watch out for the repercussions. Then came feelings of confusion and conflicted-ness (yeah, I know it's not a word) because I thought I was helping, but all I heard was that I did wrong. I couldn't tell if these people were just jaded, or if I really was foolish for trying to save the world, one fucked up kid at a time. I think in the end I was right. Somehow, I think I helped. My student doesn't hate me and there were no upset parents. But let me tell you, it was scary, it was upsetting, and very confusing. I'm still wondering a little bit if I really can save the world, or if I'm being foolish. I'm working on my feelings on that one, but I guess that's what this blog is all about.