
The Alarm is Ringing

This morning I got a wake up call. I was trying to pass a car on my way to work, in a rush as usual and frustrated by the people who wouldn't speed up or get out of my way. It was dark as I took to the opposite lane. Right as I sped up to around 60 MPH I saw a car without its lights on coming towards me just as fast. I stomped on the brakes to slow down and get back into my lane, but as my car started fishtailing I realized there was not enough time, and if I kept on the brakes I was going to spin out of control. So, I let go. I took my foot off the brake, and steered into the shoulder of the opposite lane. I hit the grass and mud and full speed, and the traction started to slow me down. Once I felt safe to, I stepped on the brakes and steered the car so that it was facing the road. I finally came to a stop, shaking and shocked. I was alive, and I was safe. I took a deep breath and got back on the road.

I feel so lucky to be alive right now. I know that this scenario could have gone many different ways, most of which end with me in the hospital or worse. I got lucky. Very lucky. I woke up this morning. The rushing has got to stop. I have to slow down and take a breath.

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