
Boring Business Stuff

So, Hubby has decided to let his business partner (BP) buy him out. This is very interesting. BP called yesterday and asked him if he would consider, because BP wants to start another new business, but can't get the loan unless he has all the business in his name. BP is officially crazy. The man has a wife, young daughter, and a day job. On top of those he has the business w/ Hubby (for which he is about to assume all responsibility), and now he's going to start something new??? Good luck to him. The odd thing is that he and his wife both make good money and don't need extra income. Sometimes I think he does so many things at once to avoid his family, but what do I know.

Now on to my thoughts about Hubby letting BP buy him out. I hate to say it, but I'm happy. It was taking up a lot of his time in the evenings, and after 3 years of growing they still hadn't begun to pull dividends. So Hubby was working for no money. I wouldn't mind it if it looked like they'd begin making money, but BP always wants to keep it growing and never sit on it. Add to that the fact that over the past year BP has pulled probably a grand of their business money for personal reasons and only told Hubby after much badgering. Although BP and Hubby are great friends, I really don't think they were cut out to do business together. Hubby says he didn't mind the money pulling thing, because BP always paid it back, but I have a problem with the fact that he hid it. That's not very scrupulous if you ask me.

So, I'm glad that Hubby will be selling his half of the business. It means he'll be spending more time at home. I kind of like having him around. He's going to get his fair share of the money he invested back. At this point in the year we could really use that extra money. I really don't see that much of a downside to it, unless you call not having tons of chips and candy and soda in the house tempting me all the time a downside.

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