
Call me a bad person if you want

I feel like a bad person for writing this, but I'm going to post it anyway because it is my honest thoughts.

So, this funny thing has happened. Somehow a large number of my ex-boyfriends from California have become friends over the 4 years that I've been gone. This makes me wonder, did I really just date the same asshole over and over and over....? None of these guys were friends when we dated, it's like they formed an "I touched Jane's boobies" club. I know this is really self-centered sounding, but when I got in touch with a couple of them after all these years I wonder if they had some kind of conversation like, "Hey I emailed Jane today."
"Dude, that's weird, I emailed her a few days ago."
"You know, I dated her too."
"Yeah, man that's a little weird. She was kind of "free" back then."
Out of the 4 that are all part of this little clique of guys, I only talk to one really.

The sad thing is that they're kind of losers now. Every single one of them still lives at home, which wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that all of them but one dropped out of college. So they're living at home, working fast-food jobs and mooching off their parents. I hate to be judgmental because maybe they've got things going on in their lives that I don't know about, but the thing is; they just sit there and whine about how bad life is on their blogs, about how they see all their friends growing up and it sucks. All I can think is that maybe it's time for them to grow up too. The whole party culture they're in is lost on me. I don't get the idea of going out and getting so wasted it hurts to wake up the next day at noon. I imagine that kind of life has got to be a little depressing and empty, so I guess maybe I should shut up.

It's just odd to me that most of the guys I dated between the BIG boyfriend and before Hubby all ended up being friends, and living kind of sad lives. Is that really what I thought I deserved back then?

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