
Good Days & Bad Days

I just got finished grading a bunch of vocabulary tests, which was a very interesting task. Some of the kids did great, some of them did OK, and then I had a few that made me wonder what the heck happened. I have one student that I don't think can read very well. I couldn't understand what she had tried to write and she didn't use a single word correctly in a sentence. I wrote her a little note to please come and see me or the other teacher if she needs help. I've been having a lot of fun giving students the extra one-on-one tutoring they need. I'm really finding that it helps them, which always makes me feel great.

It seems that student teaching has its good days and its bad days. Today was a good day, but yesterday wasn't so great. I guess that comes with the territory of having a job where the environment is always changing. Either way, I really love what I'm doing and I still feel like I made the right career choice. These kids are just so much fun, they make me laugh and smile, and sometimes want to pull my hair out.

A couple of my classes really got a kick out of the fact that I used the word "chillin" and then followed it up later with the phrase, "it's all good." I really think I took them by surprise because they all have this set image in their minds of what kind of person I am. As the semester is progressing and I'm spending more time teaching them, I think they're getting to know me a little better, and vice versa, which is an amazing thing. I really love my "job."

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